Sunday, December 16, 2007


What Textile Does

  • Replace single and double primes (' and ") used as quotation marks with HTML entities for opening and closing quotation marks (‘’ and“”) in readable text, while leaving untouched the primes required within HTML tags.
  • Replace double hyphens (--) with an em-dash (—) entity.
  • Replace single hyphens surrounded by spaces with an en-dash (–) entity.
  • Replace triplets of periods (...) with an ellipsis (…) entity.
  • Convert many nonstandard characters (ŸúߊπŒ) to browser-safe entities corresponding to keyboard input.
  • Apply block- and phrase-level structural tags automatically and at the discretion of the writer via quick tags.
  • Allow the quick creation of simple and complex tables.
  • Allow the simple application of style, class, id, language and alignment attributes to elements.
  • Create hyperlinks and insert images via quick tags.
  • Define acronyms via quick tags.
  • Wrap an tag around runs of three or more capital letters automatically.
  • Convert (TM)(R), and (C) to ™, ®, and ©.
  • Convert the letter x to a dimension sign: 2x4 to 2×4 and 8x10 to 8×10
  • Headers

    To make an entire paragraph into a Header, place “hn. ” at its beginning, where n is a number from 1–6.


    h1. Header 1

    h2. Header 2

    h3. Header 3

    Will become:

    Header 1

    Header 2

    Header 3

    Which, when rendered by a browser, will appear like this:

    Header 1

    Header 2

    Header 3

    NB: Unmodified paragraphs will be wrapped in


    Block Quotes

    To make an entire paragraph into a block quotation, place “bq. ” before it.


    Any old text.
    bq. A block quotation.
    Any old text.

    Will become:

    Any old text.
    A block quotation.
    Any old text.

    Which, when rendered by a browser, will appear like this:

    Any old text.

    A block quotation.

    Any old text.

    NB: Unmodified paragraphs will be wrapped in



    Numeric references within text to footnotes appear between square brackets:

    This is covered elsewhere[1].


    This is covered elsewhere1

    which is rendered

    This is covered elsewhere1.

    * * *

    To create the footnote that corresponds to its reference within the text, begin a new paragraph with fn and the footnote’s number, followed by a dot and a space:

    fn1. Down here, in fact.


    1 Down here, in fact.

    which is rendered

    1 Down here, in fact

    Numeric Lists

    To make a numbered list, place each item in its own paragraph, preceded by “# ”.


    # A first item # A second item # A third item # A fourth item 

    Will become:

    1. A first item

    2. A second item

    3. A third item

    4. A fourth item

    Which, when rendered by a browser, will appear like this:

    1. A first item

    2. A second item

    3. A third item

    4. A fourth item

    NB: Unmodified paragraphs will be wrapped in


    Bulleted Lists

    To make a bulleted (point form) list, place each item in its own paragraph, preceded by “* “.


      * A first item   * A second item   * A third item   * A fourth item 

    Will become:

    • A first item

    • A second item

    • A third item

    • A fourth item

    Which, when rendered by a browser, will appear like this:

    • A first item

    • A second item

    • A third item

    • A fourth item

    NB: Unmodified paragraphs will be wrapped in



    Use _underscores_ around text to be emphasized.

    The  HTML tag is applied:

    _a phrase_  →  a phrase → a phrase

    If the text is not meant to have structural emphasis, but simply to be styled in italic (e.g., a phrase in a foreign language) use double underscores:

    __a phrase__ → a phrase → a phrase

    NB: quick tags must open and close within a single paragraph to produce valid markup.

    Strong Emphasis

    Use *asterisks* for text to be strongly emphasized.

    The  HTML tag is applied:

    a phrase → a phrase → a phrase

    If the text is not meant to have structural emphasis, but simply to be styled inbold (e.g., as a design element) use double asterisks:

    **a phrase** → a phrase → a phrase

    NB: quick tags must open and close within a single paragraph to produce valid markupCite

    Use ??double question marks?? around citations, such as the title of a work being cited.

    The  HTML tag is applied:

    Nabokov’s ??Pnin?? → Nabokov’s Pnin → Nabokov’s Pnin

    NB: quick tags must open and close within a single paragraph to produce valid markup

    Deleted Text

    Use -hyphens- around text that has been deleted. This is useful in marking changes from one version of a document to the next.

    The  HTML tag is applied:

    -a phrase- → a phrase → a phrase

    NB: quick tags must open and close within a single paragraph to produce valid markupInserted Text

    Use +pluses+ around text that has been inserted. This is useful in marking changes from one version of a document to the next.

    The  HTML tag is applied:

    +a phrase+ → a phrase → a phrase

    NB: quick tags must open and close within a single paragraph to produce valid markuUse ^carets^ for text to be rendered superscript.

    The  HTML tag is applied:

    ^a phrase^ → a phrase → a phrase

    NB: quick tags must open and close within a single paragraph to produce valid markup.Span

    Use the %per cent symbol% to indicate a span.

    The  HTML tag is applied, along with whatever class, style, id or language attributes are specified between the opening per cent and the first character of the phrase:

    %(caps)SPAN% → SPAN → SPAN

    %{color:red}red% → red → red



    (class#id) can be combined

    Attributes in phrase elements

    %{color:red}red% → red

    %[fr]rouge% → rouge

    _(big)red_ → red

    Attributes in block elements

    p(bob). A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p{color:#ddd}. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p[fr]. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    Block attribute shorthand

    p<. align left
    p>. align right
    p=. centered
    p<>. justified
    p(., p((. left indent 1em, 2em, etc.
    p). right indent 1em


    h2()>. right-aligned header 2, indented 1em both sides
    h3=. centered header 3
    !>/image.gif! right-aligned image
    p[no]{color:red}. A Norse of a different colour


    (class#id) can be combined

    Attributes in phrase elements

    %{color:red}red% → red

    %[fr]rouge% → rouge

    _(big)red_ → red

    Attributes in block elements

    p(bob). A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p{color:#ddd}. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p[fr]. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    Block attribute shorthand

    p<. align left
    p>. align right
    p=. centered
    p<>. justified
    p(., p((. left indent 1em, 2em, etc.
    p). right indent 1em


    h2()>. right-aligned header 2, indented 1em both sides
    h3=. centered header 3
    !>/image.gif! right-aligned image
    p[no]{color:red}. A Norse of a different colour



    (class#id) can be combined

    Attributes in phrase elements

    %{color:red}red% → red

    %[fr]rouge% → rouge

    _(big)red_ → red

    Attributes in block elements

    p(bob). A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p{color:#ddd}. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p[fr]. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    Block attribute shorthand

    p<. align left
    p>. align right
    p=. centered
    p<>. justified
    p(., p((. left indent 1em, 2em, etc.
    p). right indent 1em


    h2()>. right-aligned header 2, indented 1em both sides
    h3=. centered header 3
    !>/image.gif! right-aligned image
    p[no]{color:red}. A Norse of a different colourSyntax:

    (class#id) can be combined

    Attributes in phrase elements

    %{color:red}red% → red

    %[fr]rouge% → rouge

    _(big)red_ → red

    Attributes in block elements

    p(bob). A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p{color:#ddd}. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p[fr]. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    Block attribute shorthand

    p<. align left
    p>. align right
    p=. centered
    p<>. justified
    p(., p((. left indent 1em, 2em, etc.
    p). right indent 1em


    h2()>. right-aligned header 2, indented 1em both sides
    h3=. centered header 3
    !>/image.gif! right-aligned image
    p[no]{color:red}. A Norse of a different colour


    (class#id) can be combined

    Attributes in phrase elements

    %{color:red}red% → red

    %[fr]rouge% → rouge

    _(big)red_ → red

    Attributes in block elements

    p(bob). A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p{color:#ddd}. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    p[fr]. A paragraph →

    A paragraph

    Block attribute shorthand

    p<. align left
    p>. align right
    p=. centered
    p<>. justified
    p(., p((. left indent 1em, 2em, etc.
    p). right indent 1em


    h2()>. right-aligned header 2, indented 1em both sides
    h3=. centered header 3
    !>/image.gif! right-aligned image
    p[no]{color:red}. A Norse of a different colourTables

    Table cells are divided with a vertical bar |


    Table attribute syntax

    <> align left
    = center
    <> justify
    ^ top – middle
    ~ bottom

    _ header cell

    \2, \3 etc. column span
    /2, /3 etc. row span

    A set of attributes to be applied to an entire table must appear immediately before the table, on its own line, followed by a dot:

    {border:1px solid black}.

    Attributes to be applied to an entire row must appear at the beginning of the row’s line, followed by a dot and a space:

    {background:#ddd}. |This|is|a|row|

    Cell attributes must fall between the left cell divider and a dot-space:

    |{background:#ddd}. Cell with gray background|

    |\2. Cell spanning 2 columns|

    |/3. Cell spanning 3 rows|

    |>. Right-aligned cell|


    Table cells are divided with a vertical bar |


    Table attribute syntax

    <> align left
    = center
    <> justify
    ^ top – middle
    ~ bottom

    _ header cell

    \2, \3 etc. column span
    /2, /3 etc. row span

    A set of attributes to be applied to an entire table must appear immediately before the table, on its own line, followed by a dot:

    {border:1px solid black}.

    Attributes to be applied to an entire row must appear at the beginning of the row’s line, followed by a dot and a space:

    {background:#ddd}. |This|is|a|row|

    Cell attributes must fall between the left cell divider and a dot-space:

    |{background:#ddd}. Cell with gray background|

    |\2. Cell spanning 2 columns|

    |/3. Cell spanning 3 rows|

    |>. Right-aligned cell|


    To make a hypertext link, put the link text in "quotation marks" followed immediately by a colon and the URL of the link.

    Optional: text in (parentheses) following the link text, but before the closing quotation mark, will become a Title attribute for the link, visible as a tool tip when a cursor is above it.


    "This is a link (This is a title) ":

    Will become:

    This is a link

    Which, when displayed in a browser, will look like this:

    This is a link

    New in Textile 2.0 is the ability to store long ugly urls outside of the text you’re working in, and reference them with aliases of your choosing.

    Simply store the url anywhere in the document, such as at the end, using this syntax:

    [alias (optional title)]http://url

    Each referenced url must begin on a new line.

    Example text:
    This is a "link":bob to Bob’s website.

    So long as this appears elsewhere in the document:

    ...the final output will be:
    This is a link to Bob’s websiteImages

    To insert an image, put the URL for the image inside exclamation marks.

    Optional: text that immediately follows the URL in (parentheses) will be used as the Alt text for the image. Images on the web should always have descriptive Alt text for the benefit of readers using non-graphical browsers.

    Optional: place a colon followed by a URL immediately after the closing ! to make the image into a link.



    With a link:


    Will become:


    With a link:


    Which the browser will use to render the image

    Defining Acronyms

    HTML allows authors to define acronyms via the tag. The definition appears as a tool tip when a cursor hovers over the acronym. A crucial aid to clear writing, this should be used at least once for each acronym in documents where they appear.

    To quickly define an acronym in Textile, place the full text in (parentheses) immediately following the acronym.


    ACLU(American Civil Liberties Union)

    Will become:


    Which, when displayed in a browser, will look like this (move your cursor over the text):


    NB: Textile automatically wraps a string of three or more capital letters in the tag, even if it has no definition.

    Most HTML 4 elements permitted within theBODY are classified as either block-level elementsor inline elements. Inline elements typically may only contain text and other inline elements. When rendered visually, inline elements do not usually begin on a new line.

    The following are defined as inline elements in HTML 4:

    • A - Anchor
    • ABBR - Abbreviation
    • ACRONYM - Acronym
    • B - Bold text
    • BDO - BiDi override
    • BIG - Large text
    • BR - Line break
    • CITE - Citation
    • CODE - Computer code
    • DFN - Defined term
    • EM - Emphasis
    • I - Italic text
    • IMG - Inline image
    • INPUT - Form input
    • KBD - Text to be input
    • LABEL - Form field label
    • Q - Short quotation
    • SAMP - Sample output
    • SELECT - Option selector
    • SMALL - Small text
    • SPAN - Generic inline container
    • STRONG - Strong emphasis
    • SUB - Subscript
    • SUP - Superscript
    • TEXTAREA - Multi-line text input
    • TT - Teletype text
    • VAR - Variable

    The following elements may be used as eitherblock-level elements or inline elements. If used as inline elements (e.g., within another inline element or a P), these elements should not contain any block-level elements.


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